It seems like you’ve provided a poetic and metaphorical expression. If you’re looking for an interpretation or further discussion on this phrase, let’s break it down:

“Wherein life sea years”:

This could be a metaphorical way of expressing the journey of life, where “sea” might represent the vastness, challenges, and unpredictability of life.

“lights fill kind midst”:

This part suggests the presence of positive elements (“lights”) filling a kind or benevolent atmosphere amid the various experiences and challenges of life.


The term “Spirit” here might refer to an intangible essence, energy, or the inner strength and resilience that individuals possess throughout their life’s journey.
Putting it together, the phrase could be conveying a sense of life’s journey, filled with both challenges (“sea”) and positive elements (“lights”). The use of “kind midst” implies that within life’s complexities, there is a sense of kindness or goodness. The mention of “Spirit” suggests an acknowledgment of the intangible and resilient aspect of human existence.

If you have a specific question or if there’s a particular aspect you would like to explore further, feel free to provide more details, and I’ll do my best to assist you!

By Muna